x12 867 Product Transfer and Resale Report
867 Specifications
The x12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Product Transfer and Resale Report Transaction Set (867) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set can be used to: (1) report information about product that has been transferred from one location to another; (2) report sales of product from one or more locations to an end customer; or (3) report sales of a product from one or more locations to an end customer, and demand beyond actual sales (lost orders). Report may be issued by either buyer or seller.
The Product Transfer and Resale Report is used to provide information on a product that has been transferred to a new location within a company, or to report sales of a product from multiple locations to an end customer (i.e., point-of-sale, or POS, data). It may also be used to communicate returns from customers to distribution center or retail locations.
Each 867 document includes the following information:
⇰ Organization identification information
⇰ Product transfer and resale detail, including quantity, purchase order, type codes and contract identifiers
⇰ Transaction totals in terms of line items, their weights and other units of measure
The 867 transaction set is used in a variety of industries. It is perhaps most commonly used by retailers to communicate to their vendors on the sales of their products at individual store locations. But it can be used by manufacturers and virtually every type of reseller, including wholesalers, distributors, retailers and the like. For example, wholesalers may use the 867 to communicate to a manufacturer about the movements of their product to other wholesale locations, or to other downstream channel partners, and to detail returns from these locations to the wholesaler.
The 867 is also used by utilities to communicate meter information – that is, information on usage of electricity, natural gas, etc. In addition, the 867 may be used by these utilities to transmit allowance transfer information to the US Environmental Protection Agency.
867 Example
ISA*00* *00* *12*ABCCOM *01*999999999 *110127*1719*U*00501*000006638*0*P~
N1*SE*XYZ SUPPLIER*9*1234567890001~
N1*DS*ABC DISTRIBUTION*9*9876543210001~
N1*TT*ABC DISTRIBUTION BRANCH 2*9*9876543210002~