Transmitting EDI
EDI documents are commonly transmitted using FTP, SFTP, AS2 and AS4 just to name a few connection types we provide.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or the more secure FTP is a standard network protocol used to transfer data files from one host to another host over the Internet.
AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) is a one to one connection to transport data securely and reliably over the Internet, the security is achieved using digital certificates and encryption
Due to security standards, many organizations require partners to use an AS2 connection for EDI or other business to business communications. For EDI in the healthcare industry, it also satisfies many of the HIPAA requirements.
AS4 defines a standardized, secure and reliable exchange of messages, containing one or multiple payloads. AS4 gains more and more interest from organizations that want to expand their B2B/B2C capabilities.
Using our connection services, we can provide you with documentation acknowledging the receipt of the data sent and received by us.
An example of where this is necessary is that it provides proof that will help with denying charge backs from your trading partner.
If you do not have an easy way to transfer documents the we can provide a solution to make it simple and effective.
An example would be a drop directory on a computer in your organization that all that you would have to do is copy the document to that directory and on a specific schedule it would transmit to us.
We are always available to discuss any requirements or needs you may have, please feel free to submitting any questions here.