+01 (909) 515-3902 contactus@gedims.com

Trading Partners EDI Services

 We currently trade EDI documents with numerous trading partners for our clients, Amazon is a great example of a trading partner that we trade 753, 754, 810, 850, 855, 856 and 860 to name a few. For Amazon we also use the pdf417 bar code shipping label which has many advantages over the code 128 bar code used in GS1-128 labels. Our data communications with Amazon is automated which eliminates repeat visits to their web portal Vendor Central, we take care of all the required processes for order management.

 All Trading Partner's have unique EDI requirements and we fully support them.

 Whether it be ftp, sftp, AS2, AS4 or VAN communications we currently operate and provide as needed. We setup our translation software with their latest requirements so you won't need to worry about compliance. Fast EDI implementation is available with any EDI partner you may have anywhere in the world.

 Below are the most frequently implemented trading partners for some of our retail clients.

Current trading partners in the retail industry.

A table of common transactions are listed below that we currently trade for our clients.

Direction  X12  EDIFACT  Purpose
Received 850 ORDERS  Purchase Orders
Received 860 ORDCHG  Purchase Order Change
Received/Sent 997 CONTRL  Functional Acknowledgement
Sent 810  INVOIC  Invoice
Sent 832 PRICAT  Price / Sales Catalog
Sent 820 REMADV / PAYORD  Payment Order / Remittance Advice
Sent 830 DELFOR  Planning Schedule
Sent 843 QUOTES  Response to Request for Quotation
Sent 846  INVRPT  Available inventory
Sent 856  DESADV  Advance Ship Notice / Manifest
Sent 862 DELJIT  Shipping Schedule


 Please contact us here  on the email form to discuss your requirements.


   Global EDI Management Services
   1900 W Redlands Blvd #13035
     San Bernardino CA 92423

   (909) 515-3902
   Email Us Here
   Mo-Fr: 07.00 - 17.00 PST

It's your destination for data translation.


Latest News

With many years of experience and successful EDI implementations under our belt, GEDIMS has developed a methodology that will keep your business on the right track.

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